Six joined panels - acrylic on birch; 108”x216” (9’x18’) and 340 individual leaves designed and created by members of the church congregation
Living Between the Trees
Commissioned by the Woody Nook Christian Reformed Church near Lacombe, Alberta
Themes: Community . Creativity . Collaboration . Process . Faith
Themes: Community . Creativity . Collaboration . Process . Faith
I had the immense privilege to participate in a year-long exploration of creativity with the congregation of Woody Nook Christian Reformed Church in rural Alberta. The entire process was steered by the people of this church, and included painting and sculpture workshops, maker days, and rich conversations about what it means to be creative. The final installation project was truly collaborative and is now permanently above the sanctuary doors. Because the theme was “Living Between the Trees," it made sense to use that metaphor for this large multi-paneled painting. Over 340 leaves from every imaginable material were made by the community and attached to the tree painting by an amazing crew; leaves made of metal, seeds, an old volleyball, a tie, quilting, fishing lures, leather, clay, Lego, beer caps, crayons, wood…. It was deeply inspiring to see faith made visible and to share in something so meaningful!