"Hope Blesses Seven Generations" (24x36, acrylic on framed canvas) NFS
The Virtue Series
Elderly people as virtues: Here are the completed pieces so far. The every-day-ness of these old folk are what make the virtues they represent accessible, enjoyable, enriching. Their presence in our communities is as essential and life-giving as the birth of a new baby.
"Faith Discusses Global Affairs With Peace" (36x24 on framed canvas) SOLD
"Goodness, Gentleness and Patience Rest on Main" (24x36 acrylic on framed canvas) SOLD
"Mercy and Grace Stroll Through the Neighbourhood" (36x24 acrylic on framed canvas) SOLD
"Prudence and Wisdom Chill Out in the Garden" (24x36 on gallery canvas) SOLD
"Shelter" (31x22; pen & ink, wax pastels on handmade paper) SOLD
Most of the images in this gallery can be made into custom fine art reproductions, please visit this page for more information.